Content tabs in product pages

Content tabs in product pages

You can create tabs inside the product pages. These tabs can be global (for all products), specific to a collection or specific to a product.

Create a page and set visibility to visible

Create a navigation menu with a handle `product-tabs`

Add menu items and select the pages in the dropdowns

Use collections/collection-handle to display the tab on all the product pages from a collection. Eg. a Sizes Chart tab on Women collection would be collection/women.

Use product/product-handle to display the tab on a specific product page. Eg. a Features tab on the product called Art t-shirt would be product/art-t-shirt.

Use global or global/anything (if you want to avoid having similar item names) to display the tab all product pages. Eg. a Shipping info tab on all products would be global.

See the tabs live in your store

Same tab name with different content in several product pages

If you have a tab that needs some different content for tens or hundreds of different pages, for example a tab called "Features", you might end up with tens of pages called Features and struggle a lot when it comes to selecting the right one in the navigation dropdown (see below).

To avoid this headache, rename your pages using double pipes ||

For example, the page Features becomes Features || Product XYZ or Features || Cool T-Shirt. This way, you can find the right Features page fast. Everything after the double pipes || in the page title won't be displayed in the tab title. For example, the tab will still be called "Features".

Re-order the Reviews tab

If you enabled the product Reviews tab, by default it will be displayed as the last tab at right. To
it, add a #Reviews item in the product-tabs navigation menu and then drag & drop it to the order that you prefer.