You can create tabs inside the product pages. These tabs can be global (for all products), specific to a collection or specific to a product. Create a page and set visibility to visible Create a navigation menu with a handle `product-tabs` Add menu ...
First make sure that you have read the instructions for installing the application from its developers. For the correct operation of the app “infinite options” in our theme, you need to insert a string <div ...
Go to Customize Theme > Browse to any Collection page > In the Section tab, click on Collection page How it works You can now display the collection description below the collection title, at the top of the page. Collection page section options ...
1) HOW DOES IT WORKS? Create a navigation menu called Product upsell. The handle needs to be: product-upsell 2) WHERE IS IT DISPLAYED? In a specific product page: Add a menu item and name it following this structure: products/product-handle And/Or In ...
Versioning logic - Version X.Y.Z X means a major change in theme due to a change in Shopify's core Y means a big enough change that involves new key features and/or big change/fix X means small bug fixes and small features release. Make sure you have ...