When you purchase the theme, you get a download link. This link always provides the most up to date version of the theme. Which means, when we push new features, you can access them for free by re-downloading the theme via your unique download link. Your license key will stay the same, by the way.
Here's a step by step process to update your theme version once you get the updated copy.
Download the latest version of the theme via your download link (received via email -
from jvzoo.com - after purchase and/or inside the zip file of the theme, see file download_link.txt)
2. Go to your current theme into Theme > Edit Code and in the "Config" folder, open "settings_data" and select all code and COPY ALL.
3. Go to your new updated theme at the same place (Theme > Edit Code and in the "Config" folder, open "settings_data" and PASTE.
4. SAVE changes.
If you have many apps installed, you'll have to check the scripts these apps added to your theme files. Most of the apps add a code snippet inside your theme.liquid file, other apps create new snippets files, some even create new template/layout files. There are some tools called file-diff that you can use to compare both
of the theme and locate the apps scripts. For
You can also compare your theme.liquid file (some apps introduce scripts in this main theme file) and compare the other extra files that some apps create
the theme assets and snippets.
Our side, we recommend pasting your app scripts inside Customize Theme > General Settings > Apps. This way, you avoid creating a messy theme with app scripts added everywhere!