Where is the Related Products section?
When you browse to Customize Theme > Go to any product page > Section tab > Product page, scroll down to the Related Products section.
What products are displayed by default in the Related products section?
By default, the products displayed in the related products section are from the same collection. For example, some t-shirt products from the T-Shirt collection will be displayed on a t-shirt product from the T-Shirt collection.
How can I manually select the related products in each product page?
1. Create a menu called Related products
Create a Navigation menu (go to /admin/link_lists/new) called Related products (you can name it differently, but what cannot change is the product handle, it needs to be related-products and nothing else)
Click to see bigger
2. Add some menu items using the logic product/product-handle
Click to see bigger
You need to always have the word product followed by a / (slash) and by the product-handle (url) of the product where you want to display one or more related products. For example, let's say we have a product called Cool T-Shirt and his product handle is cool-t-shirt.
In this Cool T-Shirt product page, let's say instead of other similar t-shirts from the same collection (by default), we want to display three manual related products: the Cool Hat, the Cool Pants and the Cool Shoes. Here's what it would look like:
Note: You just need to create one navigation menu for all your custom/manual related products in all the product pages.
For all the products without manual related products assigned, the default related products from the same collection will be displayed.
For the products with manual related products assigned, the "Number of products" limit option is not applying. Only the products selected will be displayed, without any limit.